DAY 170 | Sleeping Naked is Green

Well this is the end of the daily changes. Over the next few days, I’ll be doing stories to run through my challenge and give updates on each one!

This challenge was inspired by Vanessa Farquharson. In 2007, she had Green as a Thistle as a blog. She did a green change every single day for a whole year. A true queen!!! After the challenge, she wrote Sleeping Naked is Green which is a memoir of that year. I read this book when I was 16 and I have loved it ever since.

Her original blog is now at if you want to check it out.

One of Vanessa’s changes was to sleep naked. Her reasoning was to cut back on the amount of laundry she would have to wash. But that change was so popular it inspired the name of her book.

So it’s going to be the last change for me. And even though technically I only have to do this for one day, I know that this change will probably be one that I keep especially during these hot southern summers.

So that’s a wrap!

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