For two years, The Minimalists have been planning and filming a documentary on minimalism. And, for two years, I have sat back patiently and repeatedly refreshed the film’s website to see if any new information was going to pop-up. Well, the wait is finally over! The Minimalism film will officially hit theatres in May 2016. But, there’s a catch.
As of right now, the film is only being shown in select locations. The Minimalists are trying to make it more widespread by helping locals bring the film to their cities and towns. Pittsburgh wasn’t on the original list, but a bunch of us are coming together to bring the film to Pittsburgh.
If you’re in Pittsburgh and would like to watch Minimalism: A Documentary, please go reserve tickets on Gathr. Our viewing will be on June 1, 2016. Once we get enough people on board, then the film will definitely come. The website does ask for your credit card information, but you do not get charged until we get the spots filled. If we don’t make it, then your card will not be charged.
So, if you’re interested in seeing a documentary showcasing a simplified, happier life, then get on board with bringing the film to Pittsburgh. Here is the trailer!
If you have any questions about the film, feel free to email me at katelyn@katelynhare.com, or ask the question on the Minimalist Pittsburgh Facebook page.
Are you going to see the Minimalist Film in Pittsburgh? I hope to see you there!