Minimalist Moving

I am moving next month. My fiance and I are finally ready to move out on our own away from our parents.

We chose a tiny 415 sq. ft. apartment. I am so excited because it had given me the incentive to get rid of more stuff. (tweet this)

Since my last few posts, I have gotten rid of 80% of my paper clutter and files (this included every single worksheet and note I ever took throughout my school career), more clothes, some artwork from college and middle school, my Smallville DVDs (it pained me, but I want to get the whole collection in one box and my sisters are making great use of them; Smallville is constantly being watched now 🙂 ), and a few purses.

I can’t wait to get rid of more!

My goals before the move:

  • Limit paper clutter down to three file folders.
  • Only bring clothes that are on my clothes list. Maybe even less.
  • Leave my desk and bulky dresser behind and see if we can live without them.
  • Only have a maximum of 10 boxes per person.
  • Keep a maximum of 10 books. This includes my coding textbooks, my business textbooks and my reading pleasures.
  • Give my mini fridge to my friend and return our fan to my mom.
  • Go through my “skinny clothes” chest and get rid of half the clothes.

The only thing that worries me is my large box and a large bin full of pictures. Also, I just bought a new bike. Where am I going to put two bikes!?

Have you ever reduced your stuff before moving?

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