DAY 22 | Join a Green Group

Since the other day on Day 19, I’ve been thinking about the green meetup I went to. The local group board members kept mentioning that they need people to join the team and volunteer.

I didn’t know if I should or not because I have a lot going on plus this daily challenge. I’m not sure how much more of myself I can put out there.

But, the area I live in needs help badly. I witness people throwing trash out their windows as they drive. My neighborhood is filled with litter. And there’s no real way of recycling as mentioned in Day 2.

So to make a difference to Mother Earth, I need to spend more time advocating for change. And to do that, you should help others that are already making a difference so their hard work grows into greater results.

We’re only going to change if a lot of people join in together. It’s a team effort. So today I voiced my interest in joining the group.

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