I shared RecycleBank’s April challenge to do a green challenge each day. Since it is Earth Day, I would like to share how I am environmentally friendly, what I did for the challenge so far and what I plan on doing.
I recycle, I make conscience decisions when purchasing goods, I volunteer, I save water, I don’t buy water bottles, I reuse items until they no longer can be used, I save containers and repurpose them, I don’t litter, I pick up litter I see, I don’t drive, I don’t use public transportation, I walk and bike everywhere I can (my fiance does drive though), I am a vegetarian, I don’t go out often, I don’t drink coffee (you can drink coffee and be eco-friendly, but regular trips to Starbucks is questionable), I unplug everything in use, I dislike paper towels and napkins, I don’t use fragrances in my apartment, I make homemade cleaners, I make homemade toothpaste, I make homemade face wash, I have never worn make-up, I live in a tiny apartment, I’m working on being paper-free, I keep reading and learning, I donate to charities as often as I can, I don’t use chapstick or lotions and much more.
What I have done with the challenge so far that was new to me:
- When you wash your hands in a public restroom, shake them dry instead of using a paper towel.
- Let it mellow at home
- Use the Greendex calculator to see how you rank in being environmentally responsible compared to others.
- Gather up your old magazines and find someplace to donate them. Or find other ideas for reusing them.
What I plan to do:
- Research Community Supported Agriculture shares for the summer. You’ll be supporting local farmers and getting some great produce.
- Sign yourself up for Catalog Choice to stop unwanted junk mail and catalogs.
- Pull your refrigerator away from the wall and clean the coils. It’ll help it work more efficiently.
- Sign some petitions. Take a look at some of the environmentally focused petitions currently being circulated and sign the ones that resonate with you to make your voice heard. Read an environmentally focused book.
- Link your Amazon.com account to contribute to the Environmental Defense Fund via the Amazon Smile program. Research renewable energy companies in your area and switch your service.
Happy Earth Day and keep trying to do your part for the environment.