DAY 114 | Use Lids While Cooking

Today’s quick tip is brought to by KT’s Kitchen. 😉 While cooking, be sure to top pots and pans with its lid so the steam can help cook the food faster. The sooner the food is done, the sooner you can turn the stove off! This saves gas or electricity depending on your stove. Also, … Read more

DAY 113 | Glass vs Plastic

Today’s tip is to choose glass over plastic. When buying food products, look for glass versions over plastic. Want to buy salsa? Choose the glass containers rather than the plastic ones. Some others I have seen through the isles: Mayo Jelly / Jam Oils Vinegar Money plays a factor and glass may be more expensive … Read more

DAY 112 | Portion Control – Hygiene

We can use up all our products to the very last drop–sure. Scrape everything before discarding the bottles and jars. But if you’re pouring globs of soup into your palm for one handwash or squeezing out enough shampoo for two or using so much toothpaste that half of it goes down the drain immediately, that’s … Read more

DAY 111 | No More Paper

Today’s change is to not buy anymore paper with one caveat! Only, checks, envelopes or any other urgent shipping needs. But honestly, we hardly use checks or mail letters anyway. I have been setting up systems for a few years to make it possible not to buy paper. For example, I use any digital tool … Read more

DAY 110 | Hold Off on Purchases

Today’s tip is about holding off on making purchases as long as possible. I’ll tell you a little story. I have my eye on the Instant Pot air fryer oven. But I do not need it right now. I just got rid of an airfryer because I hardly use it. It was too small for … Read more

DAY 109 | Take-Home Trash

I’m not at the point where I’m banning restaurants and fast food places because they generate waste. But I can take steps to reduce my waste as I visit these places. Remember, slow and steady makes big changes! So today’s change is to take home any garbage that can be recycled or burned. For example, … Read more

DAY 107 | Skip the Chip

Chip bags SUCK! Most are made out of several layers of plastic. Some have aluminum and plastic mixture. All have unregulated packaging. And they are so hard to recycle, that most chip bags ARE NOT recycled. #Tragic So as I eat the last of my beloved Baked and Sun Chips, I bid a farewell. For … Read more

DAY 106 | Ban the Polish

Speaking of white-out (from yesterday’s change), has anyone ever painted thier nails with white out? I think I did so before! But anyway, nail polish in general is toxic and wasteful. You can’t refill them and the best bet I can think of is if it comes in a glass bottle. Through my research, Pacifica’s … Read more

DAY 105 | Ban the White Out

White out makes mistakes look better. Instead of scribbles and cross-outs, white out paint, gives a more professional look for second chances. But WTF is in this stuff? Toxins. So much so that there’s a caution label on the back that states it’s highly flammable and fatal if accidentally inhaled. Not to mention it’s made … Read more