DAY 104 | Replace Lightbulbs

Another easy change is to switch your lightbulbs! Incandescent lightbulbs are cheap, sure. But they’re only cheap when you buy them. They don’t last a long time at all AND they drain energy like crazy. Switching over to CFLs or LEDs may be a little pricy up front, but they CONSERVE energy and last 10x … Read more

DAY 103 | Recycle Ripped Clothing

Another item that we can recycle is clothing. It’s not an easy thing to recycle because not all cities or towns offer clothing recycling. But there are ways to recycle clothing that you might not think about. For one you can always donate your unused clothes. Goodwills, thrift shops or to o a family in … Read more

DAY 102 | Dispose of Gift Packaging

Okay gifting season is slowly coming to a close. That means there’s wrapping paper everywhere!!! My family did great with the no wrapping challenge! I’m so happy they were on board. Now I’m making sure this paper goes to the burn out instead of the trash. 🙂

DAY 101 | XMas Trees

It’s Christmas! A quick green tip is to use a reusable tree and take care of it indefinitely. My personal “tree” is a string of lights in the shape of an Xmas tree. It’s really easy to take care of and we’ve been using it for years. Also if you’re using a real tree, make … Read more

DAY 100 | Buy Used Vehicles

Day 100!! Woo!! Today’s change is to only buy used vehicles. We have future plans that involve an RV and tow vehicle. In order to lower our impact, both of these purchases will be second hand. 🙂 I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!!

DAY 99 | Electricity-Free Exercise

I went down to my aunt and uncle’s house today. They are building a family gym in their garage. It’s going to be epic! And it also got me thinking about the waste created through exercise and gyms. Now the family gym is all second hand, no worries! But there are plans for an exercise … Read more

DAY 98 | No Plastic Lids

It’s getting really chaotic because of the holidays! But I’m still hanging in there! We went out to Burger King tonight. I skipped a straw, and then I also skipped the plastic lid. Sure one elbow slip and the drink could’ve made a huge mess instantly, but at least I’m skipping the plastic more and … Read more

DAY 97 | Green Elements to Gifts

The holidays are heeerreeee! My family celebrates Christmas and of course, we did last minute shopping today. But for this challenge we are incorporating green elements into our gifts. From the no-wrapping challenge to mason jars and reusable straws, we are giving green this year! I hope everyone is having a merry time!

DAY 96 | Homemade Sauces

I hope everyone is having a great time for the holidays. I’m busy this week, but I’m trying to keep up the changes! Today is going to be an ongoing one. One point if going zero waste is to lower the amount of the stuff we recycle. One way to do that is to take … Read more

DAY 95 | Toilet Paper Rolls

Today’s tip is a quick and easy one. We all have to deal with toilet paper and with toilet paper comes toilet paper rolls. Instead of throwing these out or recycling them, you can toss them in a fire or give them to your rabbit to chew up. These are also great for arts and … Read more