DAY 94 | No New Clothes

There are so many benefits with buying used clothing. For 1 new clothing nowadays is part of fast fashion. fast fashion sucks because they’re most likely made in sweatshops and the clothes are made of such poor quality that they’re designed to be thrown away in a limited amount of time. Another reason why new … Read more

DAY 93 | Wheatless Wednesdays

You heard of Meatless Mondays and Fishless Fridays. Now I heard of Wheatless Wednesdays. To help with the overproduction of wheat. I need to do more research about the effects of wheat on our environment, but it’s something to think about! Swipe -> for an article clip from the guardian. I’ll post more research on … Read more

DAY 92 | Dusting

Dusting is easy despite it being a dreaded chore. However, convenience can sleep into this task just like any other. You’ve seen the Swiffer commercials. It’s so easy to dust and wipe everything away. But it’s also easy to use reusable material to dust. The only extra step is the laundry. But these suckers are … Read more

DAY 91 | Saving Free Scraps

Going off yesterday’s tip, there are some instances where you can accept free things. Today my mom was throwing out some wood. She asked me if I could use it because she was throwing it away. Scrap wood or any building materials can be handy to have around. We jumped on it to 1) save … Read more

DAY 90 | Say No to Freebies

Everyone has gone to an event, get-together, talk, school function or social gathering where you received free stuff. The free stuff, usually in the form of pens and stickers, is a form of marketing. They give you a branded pen, you think about them everytime you write. However, this stuff is cheaply made. And normally … Read more

DAY 89 | Ban the Foil

It’s time to ban another wasteful item. Foil! I was okay using this once in awhile since my mom can recycle them. But our goal should eventually work towards recycling less. Recycling isn’t going to save us. So no more foil. Even if all the containers are dirty, I will stop being lazy and use … Read more

DAY 88 | Grow the Seeds

Last year, my friend gave me her baby avocado tree she had started from seed. I loved her. Her name was Petunia. Unfortunately, due to a family emergency, I left Petunia to my husband to care for. When I returned 7 weeks later, she was sick. I tried everything, but I wasn’t skilled enough to … Read more


Bring your own box/container. Today’s tip is to bring your own container to restaurants. When you have leftovers to take home, you can scoop it up in your own container instead of asking for one. Restaurants containers are single-use and are usually plastic or styrofoam. So you can reduce your waste by bringing your own!

DAY 86 | Eat the Cores

Today’s change is funny, but it helps against food waste. I’ve always heard that apple and pear cores are edible. I’ve never tried to eat them because I feared it would taste gross. There’s nothing worse than eating some gross after something delicious. But if it’s edible, why not? So today I did it and … Read more

DAY 85 | Homemade Cards

Dammit! Crap! Jdhfhdiebdjdjdb I messed up. Sometimes you don’t even THINK! I went out and bought Christmas cards today to send out to family. I never even stopped to think about the plastic packaging or the fact that I could just make my own. All I knew is that I needed cards. But that’s okay … Read more