I’ve been having a sock problem. I’m low. I can’t seem to find them when needed and I seriously think I only have 3 pairs in rotation at this point. I’ve been saying several times over the last few months that I need to buy more. The money spent will relieve my insanity!
So, when I got the phone call, the only thing that ran through my mind was socks. I need socks. I won’t make it without socks. So I threw handfuls of my husband’s socks into my book bag. I stuffed them in. I didn’t think of any other essentials besides deodorant, toothbrush, brush and some shirts.
And that’s how I ended up stranded in Tennessee with one pair of pants, one pajama pants, 7 shirts, pajama shorts and a million socks. The second day down here, I bought flip-flops.