DAY 20 | Unplugging Things

Like I mentioned on Day 10, I like playing a game to get my electric bill to be as low as possible. With that, I used to go around the house before going to bed to make sure everything is unplugged.

I even attack the kitchen appliances, TVs and all of the husband’s game systems. That’s fun. And it worked every time.

I would get my bill down to $40 – $50 when playing this game. Once when I lived in a small apartment, I swear it was $28 if I remember correctly.

Now. The best part of this game is that it saved me money. But when you proactively save money on your electric bill, you are actually SAVING electricity. You are being less wasteful, conserving energy and being green. How cool?

So my change and focus today is to stop making this a game to play when I feel like saving money. I am going to make this game into my lifestyle and continue to play all day everyday. Whenever I see something not being used, I will unplug it. 

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