DAY 24 | Stay Organized

I have mentioned several times that I have been doing ungreen things because I have just moved. I have reached for Ziplock bags because my kitchen stuff is still packed. I have used chemical-based laundry detergent because I couldn’t find my soap nuts. When we are unorganized, we do things against our normal behaviors. And … Read more

DAY 23 | Stop @ 100%

I’ve been making a lot of energy-saving changes lately and today is another one. I’ve noticed any times where I place my phone or computer on the charger and hours later it’s still on the charger. We put our devices down to charge only to forget that they’re still using electricity WAY past their 100% … Read more

DAY 22 | Join a Green Group

Since the other day on Day 19, I’ve been thinking about the green meetup I went to. The local group board members kept mentioning that they need people to join the team and volunteer. I didn’t know if I should or not because I have a lot going on plus this daily challenge. I’m not … Read more

DAY 21 | Use Soap Nuts

Soap nuts are a berry that grows on trees. They contain natural soap properties. You pop 5-6 soap nuts in a little nut sack 😉 and then you pop it in your washer with your clothes. BOOM! Magic happens and clothes are clean without chemicals. I have been using soap nuts for years and I … Read more

DAY 20 | Unplugging Things

Like I mentioned on Day 10, I like playing a game to get my electric bill to be as low as possible. With that, I used to go around the house before going to bed to make sure everything is unplugged. I even attack the kitchen appliances, TVs and all of the husband’s game systems. … Read more

DAY 19 | Going to Green Meetups

I love going to meetups. I have always enjoyed going to tech meetups, and listening to the speakers. However for the past few years, I haven’t attended any. This is because I moved from a city to the middle of nowhere — three times. Twice in Pennsylvania, and now I live in the middle of … Read more

DAY 18 | Battery-Saving Mode

Today’s change is something we don’t think about often. How can we save energy with our devices? One thing we can do is to prolong the battery. When we prolong the battery, our devices can last longer and we will spend less time charging them. So I propose a challenge! Let’s all run around to … Read more

DAY 17 | No Writing Utensils

Today’s change is me telling myself that I do not need to spend money on pens. Or any writing utensils for that matter. Do you know how many pens we have? A lot. Do you know how many pens we can locate? A few. Why is it so hard to find a damn pen? How … Read more

DAY 16 | Bike Everywhere Possible

The other day I made a change to keep my bike tire’s properly inflated. Today’s change is to use my bike as transportation whenever possible. I use to use my bike to commute to work but haven’t since I started working at home. Now I don’t go out much and I’m usually not the driver … Read more

DAY 15 | Recycling Batteries

Another weird item we need to watch out for when recycling is batteries. It’s part of electronic waste that can’t go in a regular recycling bin. Mostly batteries end up in the landfill. My husband has a whole drawer full of batteries and now I’m thinking of all the batteries we have gone through over … Read more