DAY 16 | Bike Everywhere Possible

The other day I made a change to keep my bike tire’s properly inflated. Today’s change is to use my bike as transportation whenever possible.

I use to use my bike to commute to work but haven’t since I started working at home. Now I don’t go out much and I’m usually not the driver when I do. So, I do share rides with the family whenever we go places or run errands.

However, I’m guilty of driving to my aunt’s and uncle’s house. They are a 1.3 miles down the road. 1.3 miles. Why am I wasting gas and resources on 1.3 miles?

So today’s change is to use my bike as transportation whenever possible. It’s not always feasible because I live in farmland. But, there are places that I can bike or walk to without wasting gas.

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