DAY 84 | Reusable Work Cup

Today’s change is for my husband. His works at a casino and OMG they are so wasteful. I won’t get into how much they suck at the green / zero waste department, but… they suck. Anyway, they don’t really allow employees to bring in reusable water bottles and they are forced to use either a … Read more

DAY 83 | Ban the Lighter

Today’s change is using matches over lighters. Yes, some lighters can be refillable, but I think matches win out. I have never seen anyone refill a lighter. When they get empty, they’re tossed and a new piece of plastic is bought. Matches are EASY! And you can burn them or compost them when done. Better … Read more

DAY 82 | Green Newsletter

Hey! I’m having a long week but I’m excited! I’m starting a newsletter to bring zero waste / green news and tips. This is part of my plan to help spread awareness. And my change is to send out a weekly newsletter at least! The first issue is coming out tomorrow! If you’re interested, you … Read more

DAY 81 | Reusable Produce Bags

Alrighty! It’s time for me to make this switch! For now on I will be using reusable produce bags to buy my plastic-free vegetables 🙂 Today’s post is short and sweet because I am DEAD tired tonight, LOL. I hope everyone is having a great day

DAY 80 | Looking At Used Options First

I’m going to take a step into looking at thrift stores on online used marketplaces FIRST whenever I’m looking to buy something. A lot of the time items that people sell are in great condition and the discount is a steal. Doing this also gives used items a new chance to be used and appreciated … Read more

DAY 79 | Plastic Free Vegetables

Alllrighty. It’s time for a big change. I went to Walmart the other day to get another large bag of kale for my bun. Another plastic bag of guilt. Kale is easy to switch. I went over to the loose vegetables. And weighed it. About two bunches is about the same as the bag. And … Read more

DAY 78 | Ignore the Deals

Ugh Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Early Black Friday, Extended Black Friday, etc We are all being bombarded by ads and deals this time of year. And it sucks. If you’ve already been on the market for something, these deals can save you a lot of money. But other than that these deals entice people to … Read more

DAY 77 | No Wipes

Wipes are a serious problem. They’re another disposable item like napkins and paper towels. The only difference is they’re drenched in bacteria-fighting liquid. Cool. But still disposable. Today’s change is giving up wipes. So far I’ve been using rags and soap. But for wiping down areas that I don’t want to be completely soapy, I … Read more

DAY 76 | Electronic Waste

Today’s change is to properly dispose of electrical waste like old computers and cell phones. I just got word that there is a recycling event in April in my town to dispose of all the electrical waste. I also have seen other events in other cities near me. So my plan is to alert my … Read more

DAY 75 | Gratitude

My change today is to be grateful for this Earth. I will be going outside every day. I’m going to enjoy it and take in the rain, the sunshine, the heat, the cold… The hailstorms, the mud, the grass, gravel and sand. I will appreciate the fresh air, the trees, the plants and the clear … Read more