DAY 74 | No Wrapping Challenge

I am challenging my family, friends and YOU to change the way you wrap presents this year. Here are some awesome ways to go without wrapping paper this year: Newspapers, junk mail and circulars Cloth from old clothes and linen Brown, recycled paper Pillowcases (suggested by @activedomestics ) Homemade present sacks from fabric And many … Read more

DAY 73 | Trickle the Water

Today is another lightweight change to help save water. I’ll keep it short and sweet. Normally, when I am running water from sinks, I turn the knobs all the water. FULL FORCE! Honestly, sometimes it’s way too much and I’m sure water is being wasted. So I will be turning the faucets on to a … Read more

DAY 72 | Litter

People throw everything out their windows down here. I’ve never seen so much litter. No respect at all. My family goes out once in a while to collect cans because they can get money back from recycling them. So I’m going to start going out with them and while they collect cans, I’ll be picking … Read more

DAY 71 | No Bubble Wrap

The kids had bubble-wrap yesterday. Who else likes popping them? They’re fun! But they’re not fun for the environment. They are really hard to recycle like grocery bags. You cannot put them in your plastic recycling. They need to go to special recycling locations which may not be near the average person. If your grocery … Read more

DAY 70 | Cat Cleanup

I had to take my baby, Teah, to the vet today. Now he gets car sick. Every time we take him out, EVERY TIME without fail, he defecates and urinates within 10 minutes. We always have to clean him up as we arrive at the vet. So, I had to prepare. Usually, I would pack … Read more

DAY 69 | No Drinks in Plastic

>insert sex joke or helpful information about zero waste sex here< LOL, I have no sex advice, unfortunately, but I do have a change that will make me sad. Today’s change is to stop consuming drinks that come in plastic. I already cut out plastic water bottles, but now we’re taking a step forward. Now … Read more

DAY 68 | Q-Tips No More

I am not as excessive as my husband is when it comes to q-tips. But I still do use them from time to time and honestly they are very very awful. So today’s tip is to quit using q-tips. Here are some alternative ideas: Compostable q-tips that are emerging on the market. A reusable q-tip … Read more

DAY 67 | Stay Healthy

Some of my siblings got a flu shot, so that means we’re all about to get sick, lol 🤣 The kids spread their diseases like wildfire. Being sick is wasteful. For the average Joe, you have tissues, medications, tea bags, and weird gimmicks to try to stay functional. And if you have to see a … Read more

DAY 66 | Less Tape

Today’s change is about using less tape. Especially with the holidays coming up, there’s got to be alternatives right? I did some digging and here are some tape alternatives: Paper tape Water-activated tape Twine Eco-friendly adhesives that I have to research (if you know some, let me know!) Now, these aren’t perfect solutions. For one, … Read more

DAY 65 | Check for Greenwashing

Today I took a deep dive into greenwashing. I didn’t know there were so many types of greenwashing that companies use. I’m working on an article about it, but here are some examples: When certain elements of the product are green, but the product overall is not. Think cigarettes marketed as environmentally friendly because they … Read more