Better Than Last Time


Last year, at the end of September, my fiance, kitty and I made a small move from my mother’s attic to our own 415 sq.ft. studio apartment. Before that move, I discovered minimalism and was sorting and purging my things as if my life depended on it. I had mountains of clothes I had never worn, every school assignment from 5th grade and random items that weren’t even opened because I didn’t want to mess it up by actually using it. I was a pack rat who believed that I loved the items. I took good care of them, but now, more than a year later, I can’t seem to remember what on Earth I gave away. I have only regretted one thing: losing a wooden box my uncle made when he was a youngster, but someone accidentally threw it away after I had already moved.

 By the time that move came, I knew I wasn’t done. I had given up 10 trash bags of clothes, all the items that were still in its original packaging and over 70% of my paper clutter. It took 3 trips using my fiance’s compact car and my mom’s soccer-mom van to move all of our stuff over. For just two young adults in their early twenties, I’d say that is a lot of stuff. Granted, we had a couple items of furniture and a bed; it was still no excuse. If my ultimate goal is to move around and travel, I have to make this moving thing easier. And, that means getting rid of more stuff. The less stuff you have to move, the easier your move will be. ( tweet this )

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Supporting Bike Lanes

I’ve been biking to work for about a year now. In the beginning, I stuck mostly to trails and sidewalks because I was afraid of being in the street with cars. I couldn’t keep up with traffic because I am slow, and I was afraid of being hit.

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Why I Bike to Work

I’ve been commuting to work by bike for about a year now (minus 3 months when the area decided to freeze over for winter). At first, it was my only option. I was fresh out of college with my very first job in my field of study. I had no license. I still lived at … Read more

My Favorite Planner

This was my ultimate favorite planner. For college, I went on a search for a planner that was simple, small, had a calendar view and a week view and no extras (measurements, map, contacts) that came with most planners. I found one at the Family Dollar that met all the criteria, was pretty and I … Read more

It Has Begun

Over the past two years, something has been looming in the back of my mind. Something that will start a new chapter in my life and something that I will have to plan for months on end. After two years of being engaged, my fiance and I are finally getting married on February 14th, 2016.

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One Year of Being a Minimalist

Around this time last year, I discovered minimalism. I had just gotten rid of almost 30% of my belongings because of a move and I wanted to get rid of more and declutter more. I was somewhat tired of lugging around everything every time I moved (I have had 16 addresses and I’m only 20) … Read more