My Favorite Planner

This was my ultimate favorite planner. For college, I went on a search for a planner that was simple, small, had a calendar view and a week view and no extras (measurements, map, contacts) that came with most planners.

I found one at the Family Dollar that met all the criteria, was pretty and I loved it. But, planners only last a year, so in my second year of college, I went back to Family Dollar to purchase my beloved planner once again only to come across this beauty.


She was so beautiful and inspiring. She met all the criteria!

I love the typography that I got to look at every month. I am planning on cutting them out and framing them. I hope to send them out as gifts.

But, my college days are over, and I am a minimalist now. So, I have no need or desire for a paper planner anymore. How do I stay organized now? Digitally. Here is what I use now to keep my life in order.

Android Calendar that syncs with Google Calendar

Google Keep for notes and to-do lists

Trello* for longer things such as project production or to keep references such as my apartment cleaning list A great alternative is Workflowy* (sign up through this link and you get double the space each month.).

I love these because I can access them from anywhere. They’re quick and easy to use and I feel great with out the paper clutter. And, best yet, they’re free. I love free resources because I can be organized without breaking the bank. But, if these resources were not free, I would make room for them in my budget.

I will have a longer and more detailed post on how I stay organized in the future.

How do you stay organized?

*The above links for Trello and Workflowy are referral links. Neither one costs you a penny, but I also get some benefits from you using the links. 

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