TiBaN Two Years Later

My best friend and I have always been obsessed with blogs. We were always starting a new one for some project we wanted to do or to keep up with a log on our lives. Since we always started a blog without ever keeping it up or finishing the project, I was a little hesitant on rather I actually wanted to document my minimalism journey or if I just simply wanted to get rid of clutter and be done with it; to simply live without telling the internet

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Pineapple Orange Juice


This is one of my favorite treats in the world! And, it’s good for you! I was always in love with fruits and vegetables. But, I hated smoothies. I didn’t understand why people took good ingredients and added horrible ones. Who wants to mix milk and fruit? Or drink peanut butter?!? Everyone, apparently.

There was some frozen pineapples in the freezer one day and a bag of oranges and in the video below I’ll show you how to make pineapple orange juice: a quick and simple smoothie.

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Help the Homeless


I was always a charitable person. Despite growing up in a poor family, I always wanted to do charity work, volunteer and donate to others. I even won the community service award when I graduated college. Then, when my mom found a monthly homeless event in my neighborhood, I jumped at the chance to give back.

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Why I Didn’t Bother Selling My Things


It has been more than a year since I have embraced minimalism and gotten rid of so many things that I thought I would keep forever. During that time when I was devouring every blog post I could find on minimalism. I read different ways people dealt with their clutter.  Most recommended to sort through the clutter and to separate it into three piles: sell, donate and trash. People wanted to get some money back on items they spent so much money on. I however, didn’t spend anything on my items. I was 19 years old, in college and broke.

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My Wedding Budget


My fiancé and I got together on February 1st, 2013. We both moved to Pittsburgh for college in October 2012. We had all our first quarter classes together, and he was glued to me. At first, he was the most annoying thing ever, and it’s funny how glue works.

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5 Minutes of Stress Relief


Since we all have lives, there’s comes a time where we feel really stressed out. This may be once in a while or it may be often, but stress can have negative effects on our body. It is a sign that we are feeling overwhelmed and that we need to have a break.

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