DAY 62 | Run a Zero-Waste Business

I run an online business as a website developer. And I have a couple of websites and a book on minimalism.

Today’s change is to make sure my business is running as zero-waste as possible.

Having an online business is already as green as it is. But there are things that I can improve on.

Here are a couple of things I will be doing:

  • Going into 2020, I will no longer accept checks as a form of payment. I find checks to be a waste of paper (envelope included) and the resources it uses to travel to my mailbox are not okay. Some clients insist on checks. But I will no longer be lenient. Online payments make more sense all around.
  • By late spring, I will no longer be producing my book in the physical format. I will only have it in the ebook form. This may change in the future after the challenge is done, but I’m thinking it will stay like this.
  • And as you know, I will not be purchasing any more business cards per my day 46 change!

This is very exciting to me because I can change things to make operating easier for me AND lower my carbon footprint.

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