DAY 13 | Turning Lights Off

My change the other day was about keeping the lights off throughout the day and only turning them on as needed after 5pm. Today’s change is turning off lights throughout the house that have been left on. I have a big family. My household, right now, has 10 people living in it. Half of them … Read more

DAY 12 | Reusing Resealable Plastic Bags

I like the freezer. It helps keep food from spoiling and it helps save money. For one, I LOVE smoothies. But frozen fruit is highway robbery. So I figured out that buying whole fruits and freezing them myself saves me a ton! However, it’s hard to freeze them without bags. I don’t buy Ziplock bags … Read more

DAY 11 | Recycling Pill Bottles

I already set up the recycling center and people are using it. But, I have seen some pill bottles go into the plastic section. According to my local recycling group, you need to take pill bottles to the pharmacy or sheriff’s office. So, I’m alerting the family today that I will be collecting pill bottles … Read more

DAY 10 | Keeping Lights Off

There’s a game I like to play sometimes. It’s purpose is to see how low I can get my electric bill. I will wake up and not turn on a single light. I will see how long I can last. The funny thing is that I CAN LAST ALL DAY! Up into after 5pm, I … Read more

Savings Hack: Food Bill

Here’s a secret hack to save 50 to $250 this week depending on the size of your family. So the secret hack is to not grocery shop this week. Or if you grocery shop every two weeks don’t grocery shop for the next two weeks. We probably have enough food in our cupboards to last … Read more

DAY 9 | Saving Trash

Recycling is great. I always figure out a way to recycle no matter where I live. And I have always tried to convince the fam to join in. Most of the time they are supportive and willing. But, some people forget, are too lazy to take it outside or they straight up don’t care. I’m … Read more

DAY 8 | No Disposable Gloves

I’m ashamed to admit how many latex gloves I have thrown away over the years. I’m so supposed to be “sooooo grreeen and eco-conscious,” but here I am throwing gloves into the landfill. Look, I have 6 children who happen to be 5 cats and 1 rabbit. That’s a whole lot of shit and a … Read more

DAY 7 | No Napkins

I hate paper towels. I hate napkins. They are literally designed to be thrown away. You literally spend money on something to throw it away. Money in the garbage. I don’t use napkins a lot. I’m the messiest eater. But, I do find myself using napkins and paper towels. They are handed to me when … Read more

DAY 6 | Shopping Bags

My husband and I usually have a good system. We have two large bins in our car. Whenever we go shopping, we check out, skip the grocery bags, take our cart to the car and place the items in the bins. When we get home, we take the bins inside. Very easy. Very green. But, … Read more