DAY 64 | No Receipts

Does anyone else hate when you go to the grocery store to buy one thing and your receipt is over a foot long due to surveys and coupons? I can’t stand it. I get mad every time. But today’s change is to refuse receipts whenever possible. Now most of the time, receipts are printed automatically. … Read more

DAY 63 | Natural Confetti

This is such a fun change because it’s something you don’t hear around. I found this tip on @solar_alchemy ‘s page. NATURAL CONFETTI! Take a hole puncher and make biodegradable and renewable confetti out of LEAVES! New Year is approaching fast and my family celebrates with confetti. We also use glitter at Christmas to make … Read more

DAY 62 | Run a Zero-Waste Business

I run an online business as a website developer. And I have a couple of websites and a book on minimalism. Today’s change is to make sure my business is running as zero-waste as possible. Having an online business is already as green as it is. But there are things that I can improve on. … Read more

DAY 61 | Take Coldish Showers

Okay so I’m already freezing to death and using cold water for basically everything. Time to torture myself some more! Now I’m not jumping into the cold shower craze. I just can’t handle that. But I can handle lukewarm. So today’s change is to take lukewarm showers. And because I love myself, I’m allowing myself … Read more

DAY 60 | One Glass A Day

Today’s change is another way we can save water. Much like using the same utensil that you stirred with, people tend to claim a cup as dirty when they are done a drink. But I’m here to proclaim that it’s okay to use the same cup all day. You can have a cup of coffee … Read more

DAY 59 | Cold Water Only

Before I proceed to ban wonderful hot water from my life, I want to preface that this is for laundry, handwashing and doing dishes. Cold showers are not something I want right now. Now is there is a concern for sanitation. And please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe cold water for average … Read more

DAY 58 | Decreasing Margins

I don’t print out a lot of documents. Honestly, I hate the printer. We’re enemies. However, I do need to print out paper occasionally. I help out my mom with homeschooling my siblings and with any school, there’s a lot of paper involved. One thing I am doing to help bring down this waste is … Read more

DAY 57 | Recycling Motor Oil

Another car change today! We are in need of an oil change soon… So I’ve heard. Honestly I’m clueless on the car stuff and I leave it to Brandon. But I’m not leaving the waste to him. My local recycling group has located a shop that takes back unused motor oil. So this is perfect! … Read more

DAY 56 | Keeping Car Tires Properly Inflated

This change is going to be deligated to the husband. Much like my earlier change of keeping my bike’s tires properly inflated, I will now be moving it over to the car. Proper maintenance keeps the tires healthy for longer. It helps prevents flats and tears. How does one recycle tires anyway? Better keep them … Read more