The Money Section of this Blog

If you check out my about page, you will see that this blog surrounds a number of topics. Lately, I have been focused on the minimalism part because I want to live my life simply. Becoming a minimalist and getting rid of my stuff that I don’t cherish has been at the forefront of my life because it is what I need most. I needed to declutter because it has been stressing me out. I need to live more simply because it has positive effects on my life. I have been less depressed, less angry and more content knowing I have more free time to myself.

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Thee Book

The more I scroll through my reader here on WordPress, the more I am seeing this book and how life changing it is. The book is called The life-changing magic of tidying up : the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo. After I saw yet another blog post about how they were … Read more

I Found Spring

Yesterday, I woke up to Spring. I went outside to catch my ride, and I found nice weather and a small amount of snow. I am a huge winter lover(I love all the seasons). Snow is one of my favorite things. So, I’m a little sad that it is melting away, but I just felt … Read more

Minimalist Christmas Tree

Here is a picture of  my and my fiance’s minimalist Christmas tree. We decided on a wall mounted one because getting a normal one even if it was small and fake would take up too much space in our little apartment and we wouldn’t know where to store it afterwards. So, we got some Christmas … Read more

Minimalist Shoes

This page is all about my personal shoe collection over the years. I went from keeping all my shoes from the 4th grade to only keeping what I use.

This page will keep getting updated.

February 12, 2019

I went from 4 shoes to a million.

Well, it seems like a million, lol.

Here’s the updated list:

  • 2 cork clogs
  • 3 sneakers
  • 1 hiking boots
  • 1 winter boots
  • 1 heels
  • 1 flip-flops

Why 3 pair of sneakers? Well, my mom bought me a pair and gave me a pair. And although I don’t use all 3 regularly, over time I’ll have backups when things get worn down.

So, eventually, this list will get smaller or larger if there’s a good deal on cork clogs.

March 6, 2017

I’ve been thinking about all the topics that I want to write about, and I decided to start from my roots. In the very beginnings of this blog, I did a post on my shoes. I had 13 pairs of shoes. I was saying that I would soon pare them down — which I did — but I also made some excuses for a few of them. One example were my Ravens slippers. I said that these slippers didn’t count because I wanted everything that supported my favorite football team.

But, they do count. And, I no longer have them. In fact, I no longer have any of those 13 pairs of shoes.

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